If only there were more time in the world. Isn't that a wish everyone makes? To stop the flow of time at your will...

For one girl who has this wish granted, finally being "on time" suddenly takes on another meaning.

Coded in 10 days for the UNC Game Jam 2022. Finish the game to see the credits, or scroll down. Walkthrough is in the video.

WASD or Arrow Keys + Space: Move, Hold to jump variable heights
Click: Apply force
Shift or C: Freeze/Unfreeze Time
E: Progress Dialogue

Lead/Mechanics Programming: Die_Dai
Level Design: Die_Dai
Playtesting and Additional programming: Irene.M
Story: Irene.M + kobkiet
Visual and UI Programming: kobkiet
Art + Music: kobkiet
Concept and Game Design: All three :)
Emotional Support: Chaotic_Wizzard, Mischele, Snaphap and others :)


-Momentum is applied when moving off an object in motion
-Objects can be ridden in midair
-Seesaws cannot be moved by the player character
-Scroll wheel can be used to pan up and down slightly
-Use R often if you feel like you are stuck, many puzzles need to be restarted if you mess up the sequence.

Still stuck? Watch the walkthrough, or...

Super secret dev tool: Right click to teleport :)


-If the game/audio is very laggy, try turning on hardware acceleration
-Hovering on a button displays debug text
-Hitting exit on the web version of the game freezes the game
-Exit button on pause menu obviously also doesn't work
-Spam clicking R to restart the scene will progressively break the fade-in transition and add extra dialogue instances
-Hitting R right after dying will also break the game
-Time freezing during fadeout of restart carries over the freeze
-Dying immediately after freezing carries over the freeze
-Seesaws get stuck or have objects clip through them sometimes
-Spam jumping on an object may sometimes launch you higher than intended
-Under certain timings, you get ~extra~ horizontal momentum
-Scrolling the camera will let you look out of bounds
-Emotional support in the credits doesn't appear in certain resolutions. We promise that wasn't intentional...

IN CONCLUSION: PLEASE DON'T SPAM ANY BUTTONS :( that is the number one game breaker

A note about the final level: This was die_dai seeing how far they could reasonably push the game with the physics system they had at that point in development. They could've done more, but it's probably a bit overtuned still. Good luck :)

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